about me
I’m Swiss-Peruvian, born in Lima, Peru, grew up in Switzerland. I studied classical guitar with C. Chappuis (CH), José Tomas (E) and Alberto Ponce in Paris, where I completed my studies with honours “premier prix à lunanimité“.
I have been practising Zen meditation since 1991. The way Willigis Jäger teaches me Zen, influenced my approach to the music and my playing very much. The way Zen is thaught heart to heart has shaped the way I myself teach.
Since 2012 I'm zen teacher in the 'Linie Willigis Jäger'
Since 2003 I’ve worked intensively with Indian classical musicians.My debut CD monte de silencio (2006) and anuraag (2009) received widespread acclaim from press and the public. The new project of 2014 'songs of the plants' took over three years.
I teach classical guitar in
Solothurn (CH) in Switzerland,
where I live as well.
The 10-string and 8-string guitars I’m playing are made
by Philippe Jean-Mairet . |